Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Limited Progress and Good Times

Soooo, this second incarnation of the TR blog is not going terribly least according to the mission of "TR-Blog-v2".  I started my second blog (the one you are currently reading) on July 11, 2008 with a plan to post with a 'light' degree of frequency and couldn't keep up with even that low standard.  Here it is two months later - Sept 10 - and I am finally putting up a second post.

I guess the good news is that my blog posting frequency is inversely proportional to the quality of my life.  The summer was absolutely fantastic with the family.  Great times with Patty and the kids - so much to cover, I can't possibly catch it all in a blog post.  I guess I should probably figure out a way to post some of the pictures from summer 08 to this blog......hopefully before another two months pass they say, a picture says a 1000 words.  So capturing all the good times from this summer via picture as opposed to words is really the only way to go!

Looking forward to a great Fall Season!


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